469 S Maple Street, Suite 103
P.O. Box 250
French Lick, IN 47432
812-936-FLWB (3592)
We love our interns! We welcome local high school and college students looking for credit hours or to meet community service requirements. Our internships are unpaid in terms of dollars but invaluable in terms of what you'll learn about our fascinating history. Call us and start the process.
In 2013-14 our museum had it's first intern! Springs Valley High School senior Austin Schaber. You may recognize him from his pictures in the Herald playing football and basketball, but it was his love of history that showed in his work at the museum. Thank you, Barb Renner for sending him to us. Austin is now our board president.

Springs Valley High School senior Brooke Parker was our 2015-16 intern at the museum.
An avid golfer, Brooke looked forward to a career as a dental hygienist. Thanks again, Barb Renner, for creating opportunities for our school/museum alliance.
Meet Cyrah Jackson, our 2017-18 Springs Valley High School intern!
A senior, Miss Jackson was active in all sorts of councils like Student & OCCF Youth. She was in the Spanish Club, Pep Club and was on the student council.
Her ambition is to attend Indiana University with a major in biochemistry and a minor in business & marketing.
Thank you to Bob Hounshell for sending her to us.